Gezegenimiz binlerce yildan beri depremlere, volkanik olaylara, yanginlara, ve diger her turlu dogal felaketlerle varligini devam ettiriyor. Bu insaninda tabiatinda ayni, doganinda, hersey gulluk gulistanlik degildir, ama hazirlikliyizdir.
6 Şubat 2023 tarihinde 04:17 ve 13:24 saatlerinde gerçekleşerek geride büyük yaralar açtı.
Kahramanmaraş, Pazarcık ve Ekinözü. 7,8 Mw ve 7,5 Mw (9 saat ara ile)
Deprem olan bolgenin Turkiyenin diger bolgelerine gore en onemli farklarindan biri, o bolgedki insanlarin gayrimenkul ve yastik alti altin biriktirme omur boyu calismasinin, emeginin sonucu oldugu icin milyonlarca insan 6 Subat 2023 oncesine gore daha fakir, umutsuz, ve yaralidir. Buna birde, yurtdisindaki vatandaslarimizinda getirip bolgedki gayrimenkullara yatirimlarinida eklersen aslinda gurbetcilerimizde daha fakir artik.
Biraz orta halli olanlar borca girip rezidaslar aldilar, ceyrek, yarim altinlar aldilar ve giden canlardan haric, o birikimleride gitti.
Tarim, hazine mali, dere yatagi demeden bir alani konuit insaatina acan bakanlik,
Kat duzenlemesi, geri cekimleri duzenleyen belediye,
Deprem ulkesi oldugunu bildigi halde demirden, betondan, carpik insaatdan beslenen muteahit,
Insaat sonrasi sorumsuzca kolon kesen mulk sahipleridir.
Kanada’da bir beton taseronu yuz tane gokdelen yapar zengin olmaz, ama Turkiye’de 3-5 bina dikenler banka hesaplarini doldurur.
Daha oncede yazdigim gibi, AGIR SORUMLULUK ve DISIPLIN mezvuatina tabii KONUT TEFTIS mekanizmasi onemli bir rol oynayabilir.
Deprem oldu!
Enkazlara bakinca, 6 katli binanin altta iki kati cokmus, 4 kat sadec asagi inmis, cunku kolon kesilmis.
Oniki katli yerle bir olmus, sanki 12 kagit yapragi yerde yatiyor, cunku perde duvar yok. Butun bina kolonlara oturtulmus.
Bes katli bina yan yatmis, cunku zemin etudleri goz ardi edilmis.
Sesime ses katan var mi? Var mi cigliklari duyan?
Turkiye, dunyaya cimento ve demir celik satiyor ama kendi binlarai demir-celik ve betondan yana cok mahcup, eksik. Taa Kanada’dan kalkip gelip Turkiye’den cimento aliniyor, demir aliniyor.
Yıkılan bina sayısı: 18.200
Bu veriler ne anlama geliyor? Türkiye bir deprem ülkesi. Batı, Doğu ve Kuzey Anadolu Fay Hattı üzerine konutlar inşa edilmiş ama deprem açısından güvenlik sorgulanmamış. Türkiye’de konut, uzun süre düşünülüp, araştırılıp, sorgulanıp, acele edilmeden alınmalı.
2000 yılı sonrası yapılıp yıkılan bina oranı: %51
2018 Türkiye Bina Deprem Yönetmeliği 2019 yılında uygulamaya alındı. Yani ruhsat tarihi itibarıyla 2019 yılından sonra yapılan binaların tercih edilmesi öncelik olabilir. Yapı denetim kanunundan sonra yapılan binalarda da yıkılanlar var! Kanunlar tek başına etkisiz demek ki. Teorik kısmın uygulamadaki geçerliliğine bakıp denetlemeden, doğru parametreleri analiz etmeden yalnızca kanun koymak yetersiz geliyor.
Ağır hasarlı veya yıkılacak konut sayısı: 269.051
Tespit yapılamayan konut sayısı: 231.878
Depremden zarar gören yapı sayısı: 717.614
6 Şubat 2023 bir milat olmalı. Bu bolgedeki yikilmayan her bina iki depreme maruz kaldigi icin, duzenli bir takvim dahilinde hepsi yeniden insaa edilmeli.
Uzmanligim degil ama, bzim binalara gelen dusuk beton 25 ile 32 Mpa+ olur ve bu betona su veya baska hicbir katki maddesi ile kimse mudahele etmez, mudahele etmeye yeltenmez.
Depremden zarar gören ortalama aile sayısı: 500.000
Ateş düştüğü yeri yakıyor, hatta kor ediyor.
Onlarca yila yayuilan travamtaik sonuclari olacaktir.
Egitimini yarim birakan gencler, isini kaybeden calisanlar, meslegini ifa edemeyen meslek sahipleri, bir daha acilamayacak esnaflar, ….
Yuzlerce farkli program yururluge konamlidir. Onlarca dernek, vakif herbiri travmanin farkli bir noktasindan tutmalidir.
Mesela, ben Pazarcik koy evlerinin hepsinin yeniden insaasi icin bir girismde bulunmak istiyorum. Celik konstruksiyonlu villa ve cogunlukla ikiz villalar butun bolge donusturulebilinir. Yurtici ve yurtdisinda baslatacagimiz yardim kampanyalari ile toplanan paralar, bolgedki bir komisyon ile tespit edilen evlerin yeniden insaasi icin, anlasma yapilan sirkete esit payda finansor olunur, boylece koylu evsahiplerine daha cuzi bir miktar kulfet ile evlerini yenileme firsati verilebilinir.
Her bolgenin kendi karakteristigi, depremden etkilene her kurumun kendi dinamigi ile bu tur programlar cogaltilabilnir. Mesela bolgedeki butun okullarin yenilenmesi icin baska bir girism olabilinir. Pamuk, biber, kayisi yetistiren ciftciler icin daha farkli bir program gelistirlebilinir. dunyanin her ulkesine yayilmamiz bir vanataja donusturup, bu programlari kuresel yapmak daha faydali olacaktir.
Our planet has been continuing its existence with earthquakes, volcanic events, fires, and all kinds of natural disasters for thousands of years. This is the same for humans, as nature is not always peaceful, but we are prepared.
On February 6th, 2023, at 04:17 and 13:24, earthquakes with magnitudes of 7.8 Mw and 7.5 Mw, respectively, occurred, leaving behind major wounds in Kahramanmaras, Pazarcik, and Ekinözü with a 9-hour interval.
One of the most important differences of the region affected by the earthquake compared to other regions of Turkey is that millions of people in that region are poorer, more hopeless, and injured than before February 6, 2023, due to a lifetime of effort in accumulating property and stashing away gold under their pillows. In addition, if we add the investments of our citizens abroad to the real estate in the region, our emigrants from Germany, Switzerland, France, UK, Canada are now poorer.
Many middle-class people in this region have taken out loans to buy real estate, coin quarters, and halfcoin-gold, but those savings were lost.
The Ministry that opens up any land for construction, regardless of agriculture, treasury, or riverbed.
The municipality that regulates building regulations and setbacks.
The contractors that steal on iron, concrete, and crooked construction despite knowing that Turkey is a country of earthquakes.
The property owners who irresponsibly cut the columns after construction.
A concrete contractor in Canada builds a hundred skyscrapers but doesn’t get rich, whereas those who build 3-5 buildings in Turkey fill their bank accounts.
As I have written before, the HOUSING INSPECTION mechanism, subject to HEAVY RESPONSIBILITY and DISCIPLINE regulations, can play an important role.
An earthquake has occurred!
Looking at the debris, the first two floors of a 6-story building have collapsed, and the other 4 floors have only fallen down because the columns were cut.
A 12-story building has been completely destroyed, as if 12 sheets of paper are lying on the ground because there is no concrete shear wall. The entire building is built on columns.
A five-story building has tilted because the ground surveys were ignored.
Does anyone hear my voice?
Turkey sells cement and iron-steel to the world, but its own buildings are very ashamed and deficient in terms of iron-steel and concrete. Cement and iron are even exported to Canada.
Number of collapsed buildings: 18,200
What do these figures mean? Turkey is an earthquake country. Buildings have been built on the Western, Eastern, and Northern Anatolian Fault Lines, but safety has not been questioned in terms of earthquakes. In Turkey, housing should be purchased after long consideration, research, and questioning, without haste.
The percentage of buildings constructed after 2000 and subsequently destroyed is 51%.
The 2018 Turkish Building Earthquake Regulation was put into effect in 2019. Therefore, preference can be given to buildings constructed after 2019 based on the permit date. There are also collapsed buildings built after the enactment of the Building Inspection Law! It seems that laws alone are insufficient without looking at the validity of the theoretical part in practice, without supervision, and without analyzing the correct parameters.
The number of heavily damaged or demolished houses: 269,051
Number of houses that could not be assessed: 231,878
Number of buildings affected by the earthquake: 717,614
February 6, 2023 should be a milestone. Since every building in the region has been exposed to two earthquakes, all of them should be rebuilt on a regular schedule.
It’s not my expertise, but our buildings use in Canada low-strength concrete between 25 and 32 Mpa+ and nobody interferes with this concrete, not even with water or any other additive.
The average number of families affected by the earthquake: 500,000
Fire burns where it has fallen at…
There will be traumatic consequences spread over decades.
Young people who dropped out of school, workers who lost their jobs, professionals who cannot perform their jobs, shopkeepers who will never be able to reopen, etc.
Hundreds of different programs must be in effect. Dozens of associations, foundations should each hold a different point of trauma.
For example, I want to make a move for the reconstruction of all Pazarcik village houses. Steel construction villas and mostly semi-villas can transform the entire region. The money collected through aid campaigns that we will launch domestically and internationally will be equal shareholders in the company contracted for the reconstruction of the houses determined by a commission in the region, thus providing village homeowners with the opportunity to renew their homes with a more reasonable cost.
Different programs can be developed for each region’s own characteristics, the dynamics of each institution affected by the earthquake. For example, there could be another initiative for the renovation of all schools in the region. A different program could be developed for farmers growing cotton, peppers, and apricots. It will be more beneficial to globalize these programs and turn our worldwide outreach into an advantage.
Seyfi Tomar
17 March 2023